From practice
Laser Acupuncture in painful syndromes
The impact of stress on our body
Depression and Anxiety
5 factors (phobias, compulsions, obsessions, psychosomatic symptoms, panic attacks).
Preventive Informative regenerative therapy (Quantum medicine)
With a quick and painless diagnosis of the entire human body, we gain an insight into the current state of health of each individual.
Acupuncture laser biostimulation prevention of neurodegenerative changes
Patient testimonials
IVF and acupuncture
Question: How many treatments are needed to prepare for IVF?
Answer: There is a specific day during the cycle when it is necessary to start with the application of acupuncture of 10 treatments.
Acupuncture and allergiese
Question: Is it possible to eliminate a chronic allergy?
Odgovor: Moguće je uz redovne tretmane akupunkturom. Dovoljno je za početak uraditi 10 tretmana.