34 godine brinemo o Vašem zdravlju

Successfully safe and painless for full health

Integrational medicine - medicine for human health


Kvantno skeniranje predstavlja revolucionarnu metodologiju u domenu zdravstvene dijagnostike i terapije, koja se oslanja na principe kvantne fizike radi dubinskog razumevanja energetskih obrazaca u organizmu. Kvantnom analizom istraživanje se usmerava radi optimizacije sveobuhvatnog zdravlja i prevencija bolesti.

Skeniranje sa našim uređajem potpuno bezbedno, jer koristi niske elektromagnetne talase koji nemaju štetne efekte na telo. Ovo skeniranje pruža pun, detaljan uvid u različite funkcije i stanja organa i organizma, pomažući u otkrivanju potencijalnih problema pre nego što se pojave simptomi i oboljnje razvije. Na taj način, kvantna medicina može pomoći u prevenciji i lečenju i da ukaže na šta čovek treba da obrati pažnju na koji organ ili stanje u svom telu. Uređaji u kvantnoj medicini, kao što su kvantni skeneri, mere elektromagnetne talase koje telo emituje i analiziraju ih kako bi identifikovali potencijalne disbalanse ili poremećaje u organizmu da bi ih vratili u normano stanje.


Monday - Friday 09:00 – 20:00
Saturday 09:00 – 20:00
Sunday 09:00 – 20:00

Welcome to Private Practice Petrović

In February 1991, dr. Dušanka Šana Petrović opened a specialist practice of neuropsychiatry and acupuncture.

During that period, she dealt with early diagnosis and prevention of neurological and psychiatric diseases. She developed special methodologies for the prevention and treatment of various diseases by combining Western and Eastern medicine (complementary medicine).

Education within the ECPD from acupuncture and knowledge in the field of neuropsychiatry acquired through specialization within modern medicine. in 1991 all that she consolidated in her practice. dr. Dušanka Petrović today is a lecturer and professor within the European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) Belgrade, founded by United Nations - University for Peace. She gained extensive experience in the treatment of allergies, headaches, pain syndromes, endocrine disorders, neuroimmunological and psychosomatic diseases that arise as a result of uncontrolled stress.

In 1995, dr. Đorđe Petrović, a specialist in occupational medicine and a sports doctor, joined the already existing neuropsychiatry practice with his office.

This is how Privatna Praksa Petrović, a family medical practice, was born.



"Private Practice Petrović" is a modern, organized private medical practice.
It consists of specialist offices of neuropsychiatry, painless acupuncture, Quanta (IPR) medicine, preparations for VTO, prevention of addictions, specialist office of occupational medicine and specialist office of sports medicine.

More information about us

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